Tenant Background Checks - FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Tenant Background Checks

Frequently Asked Questions about Tenant Background Checks
What is included in my landlord tenant credit report?
Tenant Applicant's Credit Score
Credit Summary: Quick overview of accounts shown on the tenant credit report
Financial Summary: Quick overview of debt shown on the credit report
Tenant Credit History: Detailed account information the credit bureau has on file for the applicant’s credit
Public Records: Bankruptcy records, Judgments against the person, or tax liens (if applicable)
Prior Credit Inquiries: Member inquiry history
Click on TENANT CREDIT REPORT for a sample of a report.
Is there a database that stores all the tenant’s previous rental history? How are Landlord Verifications performed?
Unfortunately, there is no database that holds tenant information. To perform Landlord Verification, AAA Credit Screening needs a contact name & phone number for the applicant’s previous and or current landlords. AAA Credit Screening representatives will then contact the names provided, verify their legitimacy, and proceed with the verification from there.
Are commercial tenant credit reports available through AAA Credit Screening?
Yes! AAA Credit Screening Services can commercial tenant credit checks on businesses and on principal(s) of the company. For more information click on Commercial Tenant Credit Report.
Can credit reports be run on individuals who do not have a U.S. Address?
All credit reports require a United States address (current or previous) to be run with the exception of Canadian credit reports. Canadian credit reports are run thgouht Equifax, & utilize a Canadian address (including street address, city, and province) when reporting information about an applicant. There is no price difference between a Canadian Credit Report and a U.S. Address, however, Equifax has additional restrictions placed on the report requestor, including a site visit, wherein a representative of Equifax inspects the property where you will be storing the report information. If you are interested in obtaining credit reports from Equifax, but have not had a site visit performed on your property, call our offices at 281-282-0447 for more information.
For more information, click on TENANT SCREENING SERVICES

NEW Customer Signup
AAA Credit Screening Services charges NO Signup Fee, No Monthly Fees & No Annual fees! You only pay for the reports you want to order. Signup is 3 easy steps and once you're signed up, you can start ordering reports online. Click on the button below to complete our online Customer Service Agreement:
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