Credit Reports
Credit Reports Defined

Credit Reports
AAA Credit Screening provides Same Day Service on Credit Reports
Credit reports act as a protection barrier against a lender providing credit to an unworthy customer avoiding expensive recovery measures and litigation. These reports contain historical details about a person's credit payment record. The staff at AAA Credit Screening will assist in interpreting the credit reports of your applicants to better understand the creditworthiness of your potential employee or renter.

Credit Reports includes a national credit report including the following:
Social Security Number Verification to identify whether or not the social security number given has been misused, is a recently issued number or the number of deceased person.
Address check to identify misrepresented addresses and potential problems such as mail receiving services or prison drop addresses.
Employment Verification - where available
Public Court Records and Court Filings (if any)
Tax liens (will be reported for 7 years after the lien is filed)
Judgments against the Person (reported for 7 years after the judgment is entered)
Chapter 7 bankruptcy records (reported for 10 years following the bankruptcy)
Chapter 13 bankruptcy records (reported for 7 years following the bankruptcy)
Collections Issues (if they exist) and their current status
Up to 7 years of the candidate's credit report history
A list of companies making inquiries into the individual's credit report
A list of Creditors and their phone numbers
NEW Customer Signup
AAA Credit Screening Services charges NO Signup Fee, No Monthly Fees & No Annual fees! You only pay for the reports you want to order. Signup is 3 easy steps and once you're signed up, you can start ordering reports online. Click on the button below to complete our online Customer Service Agreement:
Customer Service
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