Employment Driving Records
Avoid Accidents, Increased Insurance Costs & Future Litigation Due to Accidents.

Driving Records / Driver License Checks / MVR
Hiring a Driver? Run an Employment Driving Records with AAA Credit Screening Services
Does your insurance company need to see your employees' driving records prior to writing your policy? Want to ensure your prospective employee has a clean driving record before you hand over the keys to your vehicle? Contact AAA Credit Screening Services to perform those employment driving record checks for you. Driving records include any accidents or traffic violations that a driver may have been involved in, as well as drug or alcohol related convictions. The status of their license and any past suspensions are also included in driving records. With all of this, you can analyze the performance of a driver and ensure that they will be a good fit for your company.
Without a thorough search of employee driving records, also known as Motor Vehicle Records or MVR, you risk hiring a driver that is unfit for your company. You also expose your company to costs associated with poor driving, such as accidents and traffic violations. You could even be held liable for property damage and medical bills associated with accidents, depending on your insurance coverage. Avoid all of these headaches by conducting a search of driving records from AAA Credit Screening Services. AAACSS can provide driving records from any US state.
Many employers do not have the time to look through these records and perform employment background checks in-house. Instead of trying to find the time and doing a poor job as a result, hire AAA Credit Screening Services to do the employment reference checks as well as driving records checks. You will be provided with a complete profile, including a criminal records check, to give you a comprehensive profile of your potential employee.
If you want more information on a search of driving records and how it can impact your company, call AAA Credit Screening Services at 281-282-0447.

Do Your Homework When Hiring a Driver: Review Official Diver License Check records and Protect Your Business
If you're intending to hire someone who will be driving one of your business vehicles, then it's not enough to simply trust in your candidate's resume or answers during the interview. Such trust might be okay in some situations, but in this situation, placing that kind of trust on a stranger is a recipe for disaster. Instead of trusting, verify that your job candidate is qualified by reviewing official driving records.
Take the Worry Out of Hiring Through Quality Driver License Checks
Owning and running a small business can be tremendously stressful, especially when the surrounding business climate is so uncertain. Business owners and managers need to be able to rely on a strong team of employees in order to ride out any storm, which is why hiring is such an important process. Since hiring is so integral to the overall success of the business, it certainly pays to run a thorough employment background check before making any final hiring decisions.
Take the worry out of hiring through high quality driver license checks. If you own or manage a business in which employees will be driving company vehicles, then you should not only rely on employees that have a valid driver’s license. Instead, you should make certain that your employees will be able to properly manage a company vehicle. Although asking pertinent questions revolving around a job candidate’s driving history is good, it is a much better idea to take the time to verify this information. If a job candidate does eventually get hired and proves to handle the company car poorly, then your business could be paying heavily, especially if the employee happens to be involved in a serious accident. So why take the risk when you can discover driving histories fairly easily?
So how should you go about uncovering important background information regarding your job candidates? The answer is to quite simply: rely on AAA Credit Screening Services. Our business caters to small businesses like yours that are trying to do their best to protect their business from unsavory characters. With a comprehensive background screening report which includes a driving records check, you’ll be able to discover vital information regarding your job candidates which will undoubtedly help you in making the best hiring decision possible.
Do your absolute best to help your business succeed! Before making any final hiring decisions, be sure to get to know your job candidates a little better by ordering a high quality background check report which includes a driving records check. You’ll no doubt find this information to be highly useful, so don’t hesitate to order your report today. If you’d like to learn more, then simply continue to browse through the rest of our website. Also feel free to contact AAA Credit Screening Services directly by phone or email if you have any questions.
Driver License Checks Include:
Traffic Violations
Current Address
License Status
Drug or Alcohol Related Convictions
Date of Issuance/Expiration
Driver's Physical Description
Tickets, DUIs & More!
Employer Forms - Downloadable
Click on Ordering Procedures to learn more about the background check process.
Employment Background Check Articles
- 10 Commonly Asked Questions About Employment Screening
- Employment Screening Adverse Action
- Know what employers CAN and CAN'T find out about applicants!
- The More You Know...Drug Testing
- Prescription Drug Use In The Workplace
- So-Called “Free” Background Checks
- How far back does a criminal record check go?
- How can you find previous addresses or counties without asking the applicant to write them down? The answer may be simpler than you think.
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